Thursday, February 19, 2009

Blue Passion to Remember

The Highland household has been full of projects the past two months.

AM Design, the design firm Boots works for, has had him working night and day on the Passion 2010 conference website. They had another site due back to back with this site that went WAY over the intended schedule, and so pushed the Passion deadline from 20 days to 10 days. YIKES. It finally launched on Monday at 7:30pm, check it out:

They're still making "tweaks" to it, but it's pretty well finished.
In the middle of that, I made plans for us to attend the Family Life Conference: "Weekend to Remember" at the Gaylord Texan over Valentine's weekend. In preparation for that, I had my hair 'did' BLUE.... not completely, just a bit of a peekaboo blue.

As far as the "Weekend to Remember" we TOTALLY recommend any married or soon-to-be married couple attend this conference! It was an invigorating weekend of sessions focused on God's intent for marriage. My favorite aspect of the conference would definitely be the application projects. After each section of the conference, couples were asked to answer a series of application questions (by themselves, or with spouse) sometimes leading into making committments in that area. Such a GREAT way to make the information personally applicable - a way to make us own the content.
We connected with a few of the speakers: the main guy Dennis Rainey, and Dan Jarrell - a pastor from Alaska. We are HUGE fans.
On Valentines Day we tried a new restaurant in town: Hibashi. It's across the tollway from the Galleria, a new sushi/tepenaki bar. Boots took some pictures of our meal - it was CRAZY GOOD.

Since then, we've both been working like CRAZY people! Boots has been adjusting and tweaking the Passion website, while getting ready for the next few sites they're working on this month (the Reunion Church website being one of them - YAY!!!).

We got to spend an awesome evening with Trini and Desi Martinez, at the Chris Tomlin - Israel and the New Breed concert. We had SUCH a good time, that we told Lori and Trini that the kids could come hang with us ANY TIME!

I've been interpreting - a little here, a little there: enough said ;)

But what would life be like without the kitties???
Here are a few shots Boots happened to capture recently:

Jerry has recently started the habit of "going back to bed" after being let out of the bathroom where they sleep at night. Boots captured this shot one day while he was getting dressed (the lump in the background is yours truly)

This shot below is also Jer-bear... We call it: "The Otter" (his most-relaxed pose)

Here is Ben..... he LOVES climbing through the rafters and all over the loft. When we cook or fuss in the kitchen, he perches here on this post, and watches us.

And here's our little acrobat, Ben, finally relaxing with Daddy. He LOVES laying in the crevices... wherever we'll allow him.


Blogger daisy tiff said...

YAY! I love your blog! I FINALLY remembered to stop for a minute and check it out now that it's up and running. LOVE IT! And I have to agree.... what would life be without kitties (or really large, lazy, girl cats like Gypsy!!!)

April 1, 2009 at 8:28 AM  

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